CD: High Country Steam

Originally released by ARKAY Enterprises, you can now enjoy the sounds of narrow gauge K series locomotives hard at work on the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad. The Denver & Rio Grande Western Narrow gauge railroad in the Rocky Mountain high county is as much a symbol of the old west as anything else put there by man. Built in the 1880’s to haul silver and gold out of the area around Silverton, CO., portions of the line lasted in common carrier freight service until the 1960’s, with all trains powered by steam. Fortunately, two sections have been saved for future generations to enjoy. We concentrate on the spectacular segment between Chama, NM. and Antonito, CO., which operates now as the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic RR. The Line Twists and climbs from an altitude of 7860 feet at Chama to 10,000 feet at Cumbres Pass in just 14 miles! Grades of 4% are common. High Country Steam captures the sounds of this exciting stretch of railroad, combining sequences from common carrier operation in the 1960’s with scenes from the Great Freight 79 Special and operation of rotary plow OM. Our CD opens with a spectacular sequence that our recording engineers call “Thunder on Cumbres” , as 2-8-2 484 attacks Cumbres Pass in the middle of a thunder storm. We will then take you through sequences depicting a climb over Cumbres, spanning 13 years of operation. We hope you enjoy!