Building Better Model Railroads Volume 3

In our third volume of "Building Better Model Railroads" we have a variety of new projects to take on and skill up with.In this Volume we learn how to skill up using some basic new techniques, skills and tools. Many of the models and projects that are shown, are easy to build and at a lower cost. You can also learn how to handle and use low cost LED lights to brighten up your layout and most of these new bulbs will last up to 20,000 hours! We also learn how to build easy and low cost "Lumber Loads" that really look real. They are simple and easy! Another super fun projects was upgrading AHM and Roundhouse SP Passenger cars in detail and running performance and putting together Passenger Trains. We also review some old "Walthers" Passenger cars. Finally, get step by step instuctions and directions to print off of the DVD as we show you how to build a "Bekins Storage Wharehouse" and a "Judson MDG." Sheet Metal Factory. This Volume and our other two Volumes are packed with inspiration and ideas for any modeler in any scale!